Welcome to KMC!

A global community
Building Bridges With Music since 2009

Building Bridges With Music

Expanding and nurturing a global community of artists, fans and industry through music & culture.

KMC 2024, Oct. 4 - 6

The 15th edition of KMC (KMC 2024) will take place from October 4 - 6 at venues in Kyoto, Osaka, Awaji Island and Kobe.
Part of the focus for this year will be to introduce youth to music through international communication and intercultural exchange. See the schedule for more details!

On the World Stage @ KMC 2025!!

In conjunction with WORLD EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan, KMC will be held from April to October 2025. As the world turns its focus to the Kansai area, if you would like to be featured on public stages, live clubs, cafes and possibly at Expo 2025, Go Here to Apply!!
Applications will be accepted from 1 July, 2024.

About KMC

KMC has earned a reputation as a global annual event that musicians look forward to joining, a year or more in advance.
As a catalyst for countless performances, collaborations, international tours, and long-term friendships between artists from 6 continents, KMC has created a global community of musicians, industry and music fans like no other in Japan.


KMC 2023 Artists

I just want to thank you for your invitation, and the opportunity to perform at KMC in Japan.
Hope to see you and collaborate with you again soon.

Ris Flower

(N. Macedonia)

Having joined KMC online three times in a row, we were finally able to participate in person in 2023! We were able to interact with musicians from many countries, and it was a great inspiration for us, as it was just before our first overseas tour. Thank you KMC!



I wanted to say THANK YOU for the great organization of the Kansai Music Conference and possibility to be part of the live experience in Japan. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you again in the future.



I've had an incredible time here performing and getting to meet so many wonderful folks. There's a special sense of music connectivity here . . . . I am greatly indebted to Kansai Music Conference who helped me make connections.



Blue Guitar Project

Blue Guitar Project is a nonprofit organization with a goal to encourage underprivileged youth to pursue their musical dreams using music education and new experiences. With the "Blue Guitar Pass" social media campaign, people from around the world share inspiring messages to the youth who have musical dreams: Encouraging them to dream big, and never to give up.
KMC is promoting the Blue Guitar Project in Japan. As a great opportunity to show support for disadvantaged youth, everyone in Japan is invited to take a picture with the Blue Guitar! More details here.

In Osaka

In Kobe


Do You Know About SDGs?

In 2015, UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals to address the global challenges that humanity faces. The fulfillment of these goals can best be achieved if governments, businesses, organizations and citizens all work together.

As a registered Co-Creation Partner with the TEAM EXPO 2025 Programme, KMC aims to increase awareness about SDGs by creating, supporting and promoting co-creation challenges related to the 3 SDGs below.

Provide more opportunities for technical and vocational training to youth and adults, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
By partnering with educators, educational facilities and organizations, KMC will contribute to this objective by providing ways for youth to develop a career music and/or the music industry.

Ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.
To stress the importance of gender equality, KMC strives to include more women in activities, events, performances and seminars.

Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships.
KMC will continue to focus on creating partnerships with artists, companies and organizations to encourage further involvement to help spread the word through music about these goals for sustainable development.