As a TEAM EXPO 2025 Programme / Co-Creation Partner, the KMC Executive Committee is creating excitement about the World Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan by doing "Entertainment Expo," an event where audiences can enjoy entertainment from different cultures all in one place!
See Entertainment Expo programs from 2023 here: Spring 2023 / Fall 2023

KMC 2024

On 4 October, entertainers from 6 continents will visit schools in Osaka to introduce their talent, culture and also awareness about SDGs through performances and workshops. As part of KMC 2024 and a promotional effort for EXPO 2025, this will be a great opportunity for kids to see and experience what a true exchange of culture is all about!

KMC 2025

Now Accepting Donations!

On 24 July 2025, KMC is planning to have some very talented entertainers from 5 continents perform at the World Expo 2025 TEAM EXPO Pavilion . . . But we need your help to get them there!!
We have started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to pay for this once in a lifetime opportunity. In order to continue building bridges with music to Expo 2025, we're asking for your support to help 3 of these artists reach their goal of 52,000 yen each so that they can perform. Any amount is more than welcome!






Simon Hudson